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Working together

How we can support individual people and processes, as well as deeper social and systems change work.

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Community engagement

We can work with you to plan, design and facilitate various aspects of a community engagement process or deliver a whole project on your behalf.


This includes project and communications planning, process and agenda design, development of workshop materials and activities - including creative methods and tools for balancing power and promoting inclusive participation. We bring specialist skills in working with complex power dynamics, including the ability to hold tough conversations and negotiate conflict in a safe and ethical way.


Current and recent projects


  • Co-delivery of a consultation project for Stride's Wollongong Mental Health Hub (in partnership with Beacon Strategies)

  • Lead facilitation of the consultation process for Anglicare's Shoalhaven Mental Health Hub (for Roses in in the Ocean)

  • Facilitation of Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network's regional consultations with local service providers to explore the health needs of people experiencing homelessness (for Beacon Strategies)

Capability building

We work with teams and organisations to co-develop tailored workshops, programs and resources to support and strengthen their capacity for participatory ways of working.​


This could include a one-off training session or the implementation of a comprehensive capability building program aligned to context, purpose and readiness for organisational change. We also provide ongoing advice and mentoring to professionals administering lived experience engagement processes and mechanisms within governments and NGOs.


Current and recent projects


  • Environmental scan of current approaches to lived experience engagement and participation in the public sector for the National Mental Health Commission

  • Development and facilitation of a series of 'ways of working' workshops for the National Suicide Prevention Office's Lived Experience Partnership Group

Lived experience expertise

Carrie can provide expert guidance and strategic advice on how to engage and partner with people with lived experience and integrate lived experience insights and expertise into programs of work.


Carrie also offers mentoring to professionals working with people with lived experience, as well as people in designated lived experience roles.​ While Carrie is qualified to provide generalist guidance and advice, she doesn't claim to be the singular expert or knowledge holder. She is happy to connect you with her networks, including community leaders and organisations, when work requires specific lived experience and cultural expertise she doesn't hold.


Current and recent projects


  • Lived Experience Advisor to Lifeline National for the development of their Lived Experience Engagement Framework

  • Lived Experience lead for Beacon Strategies' development of Central Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network's suicide prevention peer workforce development initiative

  • Lived Experience Advisor to Clear Horizon for the development of the logic framework for the National Suicide Prevention Strategy

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