Troubled Dog has supported a range of health and social policy & program improvement initiatives, with a focus on mental health and suicide prevention reform.
Providing lived experience expert advice
Current roles include independent advisor to Lifeline National for the development and implementation of their Lived Experience Engagement Framework and Lived Experience Expert Advisory Group Co-Chair for the NSW Mental Health Commission's monitoring of NSW's Strategic Framework for Suicide Prevention 2022 - 2027.
Building capability for co-design & co-production
Projects include the delivery of 'ways of working' workshops for the National Suicide Prevention Office and its Lived Experience Partnership Group and a co-design practice workshop for Nothern Sydney Local Health District's mental health and AOD service providers.
Facilitating service innovation & workforce development initiatives
Projects include leading the facilitation of the co-design of the NSW Ministry of Health's Alternatives to EDs: Safe Haven services across all state Local Health Districts and supporting a Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Workforce Development Initiative in Central Eastern Sydney.
Delivering regional community consultation & co-design processes
Projects include the co-design of a pilot social prescribing service for people living with chronic conditions for South Eastern NSW PHN (COORDINARE), the co-design of a multicultural mental health literacy program for South Western Sydney PHN, and a community consultation process to inform the delivery of Stride's Mental Health Hub in Wollongong, NSW.
Developing resources & writing reports
Projects include the completion of an Environmental Scan on lived experience engagement and participation practices in the public sector for the National Mental Health Commission and developing the content for Roses in the Ocean's Collaborating to Create Change - a capacity building workshop for lived experience advocates.
Some of the organisations we've partnered with & consulted for